爲建立一種(zhǒng)适用于現場為好快速檢測的豬流行性腹瀉病毒(PEDV)LAMP技術,基于羟基萘酚藍(HNB)的可視化顯色特點,根據PEDV M基因編碼區序列,設計合成(chén樹算g)1套引物,通過(guò)反應物濃度和反應條件花雨優化,建立了可閉管檢測的PEDV RT-LAMP檢測方法。特異性和靈敏度試驗結那腦果顯示,建立的RT-LAMP檢測技術快速、靈敏、特異,可于1 h内檢出0.2 mL 0.1 TCID50/mL的病毒RNA,與實時(shí)熒光RT-PCR檢測方法靈敏度一緻,與豬瘟病毒、豬僞喝金狂犬病病毒、豬繁殖與呼吸綜合征病毒、豬圓環病毒機務2型以及豬鏈球菌2型核酸不發(fā)生交叉反應。利用該方法對(du明員ì)187份送檢的糞拭子及病死豬組織樣(yàng)品進(jìn)行應用檢測,檢出陽性樣短煙(yàng)品9份,與熒光定量RT-PCR方法檢測結果一緻。試驗結果表明,光微所建立的方法快速、特異,重複性滿足要求,海山适用于送檢樣(yàng)品的PEDV快速檢測。
Development of HNB-based Visual RT-LAM時輛P Method forDetection
of Porcine Epidemic討議 Diarrhea Virus
In order to est店司ablish a RT-LAMP me媽用thod forrapid detection of porcine epid慢員emic diarrhea viru著紅s(PEDV),based on color reaction of HNB a照報nd according to M genese友吃quence of PEDV,a set of primers were designed andsynt區農hesized. By optimi嗎線zing the reaction concentr看畫ation and conditions,the RT-LAMP method was deve懂子loped.Specificity and sensit姐鐵ivity results showed the establi街我shed method was fast,sensitive and specific. It co舞銀uld detectPEDV-RNA 黃友extracted from 0.2 mL v喝高irus suspension(0.1 TCID50/mL),which was consist姐兒ent with the real-time RT-PCR method.No地火 cross reactions were obs自習erved with the nucleic acids of c和美lassical swinefever virus(CSFV),pseudorabies virus(PRV),porcine reproductive and respirato短現ry syndrome vir師秒us(PRRSV),porcine circovirus type 2(PCV-2) and Streptococcus suis ty愛年pe 2. Using the RT-LAMPmethod,a total of 9 positive sample對一s were detectedfrom 187門身 samples of fecal swabs and dea做冷d pigs submitted,which was also consisten飛區t with the resultso頻通f real-time RT-PCR. As a 風劇conclusion,the established me知關thod was rapid,specific and repeatabl大用e,and it was suitable for ra拿志pid detection of PEDV in submi街腦tted tissuesamples.