
2019-03-04 14:58南照:58 李 超等 中國(guó)動物檢疫


Isolation and Identificationof Canine P微你arainfluenza Virus D121004 Strain

and Sequence Analysis on Its腦木F Gene

In order to research歌紙 and develop a vaccineagainst canine 東能parainfluenza virusCPIV),the brains and lungs of dead dogs suspi山慢cious of respiratory symptomswer就東e collected asepticallyand then Marc-145民國 cells were inoculated afte鐵視r treatment to isolateCPIV. RT-PCR an弟劇d erythrocyte adsor還樂ption assay were applied to identify現器 the cellculture medium with three b吃南lind passages. The答在 results showed t店開hat one strain ofcanine些廠 parainfluenza virusCPIV-D121004was successfully isolatedwhich could cause cytopathic 師爸changes in Marc-145 cellsand was cap畫拿able of adsorbing chicken erythr子爸ocytes. Cloning and nucleotide homol為什ogyanalysis on the 風購whole F glycoprotein gene were carried 家海outand the genetic evolution tree was 低資built.The results showed that t一煙he F gene of the 山作isolated strain was relativelyc視綠onservativeindicating no major ge都票netic variation西吧. Infuturethe immunogenicit我來y of the isolate shou厭上ld befurther studie從綠dso as to explore the potential to be 問畫thevaccine strain.

