爲比較藍舌病病毒(BTV)cELISA和血清中和試驗(司腦SNT)檢測方法的特點與關系,通過(guò問舞)滅活、濃縮,制備抗原含量爲1、5、10、50、100 文紙μg/mL的BTV-1型滅活疫苗。每個件票含量爲1組,并設對(duì)照組,每組6隻綿羊,分别在0、習現3周免疫。每周采血1次,共采血6次。對(duì)所采血樣(yàng)開火分别用cELISA和SNT方法進制務(jìn)行抗體檢測。cELISA檢測結果顯示,免疫後(h國技òu)第1周,抗體陽性率達到80.00%,第4周全部免疫羊轉爲術妹抗體陽性,抗體産生較爲迅速;SN新友T檢測結果顯示,中和抗體陽性率從免疫後(hòu)第1周的6.67%持續上技器升至第3周的36.67%,至第4周達到70.火機00%,中和抗體産生持續而緩慢。随著窗腦(zhe)時(shí)間延長(cháng),2種車理(zhǒng)檢測方法的符合率由23.33%增加到黃自76.67%。當綿羊同時(shí玩爸)産生中和抗體和cELISA抗體時(shí),中和抗體效價與cELISA抑制熱中率間有顯著的線性相關關系(r=0.63),相關方程爲y=0.歌動38+0.05χ。分析認爲,中和抗體出現的時(shí)間之所以晚于cEL答輛ISA抗體,可能(néng)是因爲與宿主細胞識别并吸附的主要部位VP7劇錯蛋白位于病毒衣殼的中間位置,其主要表面(miàn)抗原位點暴露需呢在要時(shí)間。
Characteristics andRela吧作tionship between cELI美美SA Antibody and Neutralizing An會線tibody
Produced by Stimu件笑lating the Sheep件藍 with BTV-1 Inac慢要tivated Vaccine
In order to comp我道are the characteristics and e器個xplore therelation說討ships between cELISA and the 技你serum neutralization test(SNT)in detectingbluetongu身鐘e virus(BTV),BT做年V-1inactivated vac關樹cines were prepared byin音還activating and conce湖木ntrating,and there鐘讀 were fivekinds of 數算concentrations:1,5,10,50 and 100 μg/站雨mL,respectively. Each kin對好d of concentration was c水森onsidered as one groupconsistin白劇g of 6 sheep which 紅技were immunized in the 0th and 亮章3rd weekrespecti還做vely. Also,the control group was 都光set. Bloodsamples were collected on習照ce a week for 6 times,whichwer新玩e tested by cELISA and SNT respec木醫tively. The cELISA 快她results showed that thepositive rate o可學f antibody reached 80.00% in the暗頻 first week after vaccination,and turn還業ed to be 100% in t志暗he fourth week,showingthat the anti明能bodies were produced relatively ra友離pid. While the results銀西 by SNTshowed that the 藍空positive rate of neutralizing an購也tibody increased f村腦rom 6.67% inthe first week 白影to 36.67% in the third w會唱eek after vaccination,and reached 70.事光00% in the fourth week,indica風員tingthat the neutralizing anti黃謝body appeared co分間ntinuously and slowly. Thecoincide唱山nce rate of the two methods 低腦increased from 2快子3.33% to 76.67% over time.Wh鐘習en the neutralizing an分短tibody and cELISA antibody appe就這ared in sheep at thesame time,there 票費was an obvious linear correl低海ation(r=0.63)occurred between the n好說eutralizingantibod話到y titer and the inhibitio科不n rate of cELISA,andthe co數筆rrelation equatio城有n was y=0.38+0.05χ. It wasanal討遠yzed that,the reason why the neutraliz書睡ing antibodyappeared later t玩暗han cELISA antibody w不章as because VP7 pro些師tein recognized andadsorbed by host 土站cells was located in the middle喝議 of viral capsid,th車刀us it would take s一熱ome time to expose it放內s main surface antigensites.