
2019-05-10 13:32:38 張喜悅 中國(guó)動物檢疫


Research Progress on Bovine Tu看著berculosis Vaccines

Presently,a total of15 kinds of medical tuber學他culosis vaccines 有人are at the stage of cli秒日nical trials,including 6 kinds of 知哥vaccines at clinical stage I,6 kind子影s at stage II,2 kinds at sta舊不ge II b,and 1 kind at stage III. Wit舞媽h the development of medical vacc飛要ines,the bovine tuberculosis vaccines w化低ould be applied in a lar輛藍ge range.Since the 1990s,the 愛通field trials for immunizationag是會ainst bovine tuberc算姐ulosis in wild animals h明爸ave been carried out in the間高 UnitedKingdom,Ne放日w Zealand,Spain andother countries著做. Although it is still prohibit新日ed to use vacci銀事nes in cattle inth影山e world,a large number of re白草lated vaccine researcheswere carrie行著d out by many scholars. The業間 immune effects of bacill山睡uscalmette-guerin(BCG)木黑could bestrengthened by comb西也ined immunization of BC電道G-viral vector vaccine as 冷木tested andconfirmed by Britis船飛h Animal and Plant Health Administra街習tion(APHA). The Tubercu做校losis Staging Project對妹(TBSTEP)was per畫拿formed by European Union tostudy 老家strategies for eradicating bovine師匠 tuberculosis,includingthe deve視家lopment of vaccines and diagnos年到tic reagents. In add風我ition,the field trials for 長森bovine tuberculosis vaccin線舞es were also require靜腦dto carry out by European 在商Union Food Safety 知見Authority so as to e門們nlarge the scopeof trials.

