爲評估重組禽流感病毒二價滅活疫苗(H5N1 Re-信體8株和H7N9 H7-Re1株)但醫對(duì)雉的免疫保護效果,選取30日齡的歌麗雉,按照免疫程序首免後(hòu)21 鄉我d,加強免疫1次,分别于接種(zhǒng)前和接種(zhǒng)後(hòu)定鐘費期采血,分離血清,檢測H5、H得友7亞型HI抗體滴度。結果顯示,免疫前,雉血清中H5、草林H7亞型HI抗體滴度均爲0;免疫後(hòu) 14 d,H5裡水和H7亞型抗體平均滴度分别達到7.0log2和7.07log2,49 刀她d後(hòu)平均滴度達到峰值,分别爲8.04log2和9.20log2;H通的5亞型免疫有效期可達105 d以上,H7亞型可達189 d以上。結果機工表明,重組禽流感病毒二價滅活疫苗(H5N1 Re-8船們株+H7N9 H7-Re1株)對(國器duì)雉具有良好(hǎo)的免疫保護效果且安全性良好(hǎo),但疫了匠苗免疫49 d後(hòu),H5、H7抗體效價逐漸下降,133 d後(hòu購什)明顯下降,群體免疫合格率低于70%見遠,因此生産中推薦,30日齡首免後(h鄉就òu),51日齡和5月齡各加強免疫1工錢次。本研究爲珍稀禽的禽流感免疫疫苗房來選擇和程序制定提供了參考。
Study on the Immune E坐兒ffects of Recombinant A民機vian Influenza VirusBiva門你lent Inactivated Vaccines(H5N1 Re-8+H7N9 H跳窗7-Re1 Strain)in Ph家件easants
In order to evaluate theimmune effect街服s of recombinant avian influenza virus機西(A/V) bivalentinacti兒章vated vaccines(H5N1 R姐答e-8+H7N9 H7-Re1 strain)視有in pheasants,30-day-old pheasants wer業木eselected for first vacci吧文nation,followed by玩上 boostervaccination after 21 days ac姐業cording to immune procedures,and their 對通blood samples were collecte拍用d regularly befo下學re and aftervaccination respectivel子理y to test the titers of HI antibod可木ies against H5 and H7subt票黑ype AIV. The results showed th銀信at,before vaccination,the titers of HI 什個antibodies against H5 and H7 s我技ubtypes in the se喝商rumof pheasants were 0;an員制d the average tit下暗ers of H5 and H7subtypes could rea河小ch to 7.0log2 and 7.07log2 respect鐵議ively after 14 days,then increased to 影音the peak after 49 days,whichwere 8.04l姐生og2 and 9.20log2 respectively;the畫兒 immunevalidity for H5 subtype 我慢AIV could remain for 105 days or above,做農and that for H7 subtype cou地相ld be up to 189 days,whic唱呢h indicated the immune effects and上窗 security of bivalentinactiv機山ated vaccines were good. Ho金畫wever,the titers ofH5 and H7飛對 antibodies decr知為eased gradually after 49 days o會老f vaccination,then dec市中reased significantly after 13還動3 days,andthe qualified rat議現es at herd level was less th跳動an 70%. Therefore,it was suggested that市術,after the firstimmunization at訊很 the age of 30 days山不,the reinforcedvaccination should be ca我照rried out at the a銀請ges of 51 days and 5 monthsrespe錯廠ctively. In conclus對些ion,the research would provide音了some references for select現劇ing vaccines(for鐘亮 rare andprecious b北市irds)and developing relevant procedu媽女res.