
2020-03-12 11:16:05 王楷宬,莊青葉,李 陽,等 中國(guó)動物檢疫


Phylogenetic Analysis between花拍 the Novel Coronavir車朋us(2019-nCoV)and&nbs音快p;Animal Coronavi湖爸ruses

Since the outbreak of友黃 pneumonia caused by the novel c草拿oronavirus(2019-nCoV)in Wuhan Cit筆懂y of Hubei Prov門舞ince in December 2019,it可友 has spread in China and many other 短慢countries around t大銀he world,which is t舞些he focus of global attention.見這 In order to clarify the re看音lationship between 2019-nCoV and the得事 known animal coronaviruses,the c間大omprehensive analysis was performed t年市o find the possible so路可urce of 2019-nCoV based on the host 朋畫distribution,genetic phylogeneti站開c analysis,host海少 receptor analysis of coron了雜aviruses in the study. The results 這弟showed that the genome homo業鐵logy between 2019-nCoV and外是 the coronavirus RaTG13 detected 也舊from Rhinolophus affinis in Yunan Pro舊車vince was the highes唱身t(96.2%),and 2019-n讀市CoV was closely related to 水哥RaTG13 in genetic phylogen電藍etic analysis. The geneti呢弟c relationship between 2019-nCoV 什討and the two coronavir答可uses detected f山睡rom seized smugg動通ling pangolin in Guan醫討gdong and Guangx放器i were relatively longer compare分分d with RaTG13,a算喝nd the genome homology of the 201說黑9-nCoV with coro制土naviruses detected from seized s坐哥muggling pangolin in Guang吧關dong and Guangxi was 90可很.4% and 85.5%,respectiv學林ely. Genetic dis又爸tance between 20舞校19-nCoV and coronaviruses o日紙btained from known 海見domestic livesto河長ck,poultry,pets including do綠老gs and cats was genetically long,and 草市the genome homol少讀ogy of 2019-nCoV with them 歌也was≤54.2%. Combined with the河鄉 published surveillance results,視舊the possibility of 20唱線19-ncov originating from the know金在n coronaviruses of domestic 冷劇livestock,poultry,pe妹文ts including dogs 人問and cats is basically excluded.

