Pathogen Detection and Sequence Ana兵裡lysis of Aves Polyomavirus 1 and&nbs光朋p;Psittacine Beak & Feather 北子Disease Virus in Three Parrot Fa慢照rms in Shandong Provin嗎門ce
In 2018,a large number 很體of young parrots died in a farm 日山in Shandong Province,which was suspec票我ted of being infected with 藍家virus. In order to find out有姐 relevant causes,an e到月pidemiological inves件線tigation was carried out in the in喝她fected farm and工紙 other two farms i微什n Shandong Provinc裡地e. DNA or RNA extracted from但她 clinical samples 雨錢was tested by PCR,it was foun機區d that Newcastle disease vi唱些rus(NDV)and avian influenza virus(A男答IV)were detected文雪 negative,while Aves司東 polyomavirus 1(APV1)a了白nd psittacine beak & feather disease vi家劇rus(PBFDV)were detected好信 strongly positive,therefore,a concl是子usion was given that parrots in th窗小e three farms had alrea一高dy been infected with APV1 and 金北PBFDV,with average positive rate o我服f 67.9% and 71.4%線鐵 respectively,and 站坐the average co-infec城為tion rate was 5我說8.0%. As per the result要去s of whole-genome analysis on these下車 positive samples,the金藍 prevalent strains 坐麗of PBFDV in the region shared hi花銀gh homology,which was mo林件re similar to those reported earlier;門術the VP1 genes of AP低你V1 were with higher hom現家ology,which were mo匠人re closer to those isolated in Eur購計ope,indicating that the APV1 prevalen資吧t in China might be intr懂錢oduced by impor綠藍ted parrots. Hence,i場相t was necessary to strengthen the區事 prevention of parrot diseases and in短少crease quarantine indicators 業紅related to imported parrots in China.