
2020-06-04 10:08:03 王靜靜,于曉慧,羅瑤瑤,等 中國(guó)動物檢疫

爲了解我國(guó)基因VII型新城疫病毒的什媽分子生物學(xué)特性,對(duì)2014—20道麗18年分離的5株基因VII型新城疫病毒代表株進(jìn)行了基因組測序和生信的物信息學(xué)分析。序列分析顯示:5株病毒F蛋白裂解位點些藍爲112RRQKR/F117或112RRRKR/F11年短7,具有強毒株的典型特征;病毒基因組長(cháng)度均爲15 192 nt離女,其F蛋白融合肽、七肽重複區和跨膜區,以及HN蛋白跨膜區、中空中和抗原表位等功能(néng)區有多處氨基酸變年答異。病毒F基因遺傳進(jìn)化分析顯示:2014—2015們爸年分離的2株病毒屬于基因VII.1.1亞型;2016—2018年分離的3年服株病毒屬于基因VII.2亞型,暗示此亞型毒株可能(néng)已逐步取代志物基因VII.1.1亞型,成(chéng)爲家禽中的優勢流行毒株。本研究進(明農jìn)一步掌握了我國(guó)基因VII型新城疫病毒的遺白媽傳特性,從而爲科學(xué)防控該病提供了參考。

Genomic Characteristi子東cs of Five Strains of Genotype VII 答自Newcastle Disease Viruses Isolate歌地d in China from 2014 t制生o 2018

In order to recognize the molecular bio科廠logical characteristics of genotype V就兒II Newcastle disease vir離長us(NDV)in China,five strains of 在房representative gen時劇otype VII NDVs isolated from 2014 to 2身視018 were sequenced and analyz錯也ed. It was found that the cleavage樂拿 site of F protein of the five做來 isolates was 112RRQKR/F117 or 112小北RRRKR/F117,with the光票 typical characteristics of virulent 玩為strain;the complete length o綠吃f virus genome was學短 15 192 nt,and sever她個al amino acid m國金utations were ide多木ntified in the fusion peptide,heptad r票女epeat region an小鐘d transmembrane domain of 鐵劇F protein,and the tr樂什ansmembrane domai路司n and neutralizing epito為員pe of HN protein. Analys如對is on genetic evolution o票好f F genes showed that,亮聽the two strains isolated from 20空舞14 to 2015 belonged to sub-genotype VI家生I.1.1,and other three isol習睡ated from 2016 to 2018 fell into sub-ge地章notype VII.2,which m員文ight gradually replace窗離 the sub-genotype VII.1.1 用還and become dominant in pou就木ltry. In short,the genetic c河請haracteristics of NDV genotype 妹愛VII were identified,which provid話舊ed some references for scientific喝家 prevention and control 外錯of Newcastle di看睡sease.

