
2020-06-04 10:08:58 史喜菊,劉 環,窦樹龍,等 中國(guó)動物檢疫



Research Progress on Etio商做logy and Epidemiology of Afr紅議ican Swine Fever

The emerging or prevalen到爸t outbreaks of African s業照wine fever(ASF)have been reported in 2樂化9 countries/territories since 2019一算,its prevention and con鐵放trol has been concerne秒樂d around the world上西 due to the serio費志us threats. In order南的 to make clear the characteri長熱stics of African swine fe分老ver virus(ASFV),some new knowled多知ge about the et黃事iology and epidemio吃秒logy found in recent years was 男民summarized,that was,the virus was志用 with strong resistance to ou月男tside conditions,except dryness,high t麗喝emperature,strong aci聽雜d and strong alkaline;its reservoir ho訊街sts might include f水門lies in addition to do視數mestic pigs,wild boars and soft 金農ticks;the virus might spread via p鐵飛olluted feed and dri爸女nking water,especially the latte頻睡r that needed to be highly c木朋oncerned due to its risk level whi作白ch was 10 000 times higher than that o內舞f polluted feed;in spite of various 票路transmission pathways,it was the key to章嗎 manage the movements of meat pr白快oducts,equipment or vehicles and person身一nel as well as envi做商ronmental changes that were the放服 major risk factors. As a concl話離usion,the study might 慢讀contribute to the implementation 去匠of effective prevent去司ion and control measures thr什低ough identifying 弟鄉all potential sources and transmissio服現n pathways of ASFV.
