Research Progress on Brucellosis
It is the key to prevent and contro秒多l brucellosis by 人開early diagnosis and城習 identification th秒月at mainly include的中 the technologie事間s of bacteriology,serology店熱 and molecular biology. 制船The brucellosis va高市ccines have been play她花ing an important role due to the st錯影rategy of“Preve窗哥ntion First”,and the live attenuated跳朋 vaccines are commonly used 呢關at present. With the development o哥慢f molecular biology and recombina個區nt DNA technology,genetic engi日明neering vaccine has d老船eveloped rapidly and b請呢ecome a hotspot in recent years. Howe唱可ver,no any differenti村舊al diagnosis technologies a數來nd corresponding vaccine products for d著廠istinguishing vaccine小長 immunity from natur船上al infection have been availabl快我e. In this paper,the eti請自ology,epidemiology,diagnosis technolog姐到y and brucellosis va慢說ccine development s很拿tatus were summarized,兵是which laid a foundation for the est為亮ablishment of a po玩年pularized diagnosis technology with hi還很gh sensitivity,specificity市鄉 and efficiency,as well as紙件 for the development of the 街放more effective and s明們afer vaccines.