
2020-07-17 15:55:28 郭永麗,張 君,張俊峰,等 中國(guó)動物檢疫

牛白血病是牛白血病病毒(bovin術務e leukemia virus,BLV)感染引起(qǐ)的牛最著些常見的腫瘤性疾病之一,對(duì)養牛民會業和人類健康的潛在威脅較大。本文分别拿筆從病原學(xué)、流行現狀、危害及潛在新問風險、診斷和防控策略等方面(miàn)概述了BLV及其引發(fā)疾病在鐵的研究進(jìn)展。BLV自首次發(fā)現以來,已廣泛流行于作場世界各國(guó),并很容易跨物種(zhǒng)傳播,且所有感染動物都校這(dōu)會(huì)終身帶毒,引起(qǐ)廣泛的免疫功能(néng)異常,從嗎冷而導緻産奶量降低、産肉量下降和動物流産。此外,有實驗已證實了在人醫小類乳腺癌、肺癌組織和部分人類血液中有BLV有多的存在。目前尚無有效治療和預防BLV感染的藥物和疫苗,因此飛好準确診斷和清除BLV感染牛是控制遠小牛白血病最有效的措施之一。目前常用的診斷方法南湖包括血清學(xué)抗體檢測和前病毒DNA檢測,主要的防生你控策略包括淨化、通用的牧場管理與生物安會多全防護以及阻斷向(xiàng)人類傳播的途徑。綜上所述,應嚴件那格落實上述防控策略,加強診斷方法研究討放和監測,做到早發(fā)現早處理。


Study on the Hazar新黑ds of Bovine Leukemia Virus空南 and Relevant Control Me拿錯asures

As one of the comm近師on neoplastic diseases in c光爸attle caused by b人門ovine leukemia virus外兒(BLV),bovine leukemia has pos購短ed a great threat to cattle indus站你try and human health. In this pa銀分per,the researc劇美h progress on BLV and correspo道市nding disease caused therefrom w機愛as summarized in terms 這女of etiology,prev這著alence status,hazards and 影但potential risks,diagnosis,p中道revention and control 畫自measures,etc. BLV has 樂不been widely spread all over the懂熱 world since it was first found,which哥高 is prone to cross-species tr議子ansmission,and is carried by all in刀弟fected animals all life,result如紅ing in abnormal immunity and道線 causing the reduction o秒化f milk and meat production as well鐵廠 as abortion. In addition,it 小月was confirmed by some experiments tha化村t BLV appeared in human bre鐵她ast cancer tissue,lung c做多ancer tissue and some of huma錢玩n blood. However,no effective d男窗rugs or vaccine劇下s were availabl低就e to prevent and co公飛ntrol BLV infection,so the most eff唱站ective measure was to到理 accurately diagnosis and 是樂eliminate all infected cattle. S見去erological antibo司空dy detection and proviral DNA物如 detection were commonly used at pres城年ent,and the prevention and control mea畫資sures mainly included disease puri海街fication,general management and b慢水io-safety protection of pa好城stures,and blocki花術ng all pathways of h要友uman infection. In sh音雜ort,it was necessary to impleme廠放nt the above mentioned meas城算ures,strengthen the monitoring年近 of BLV,so as to gua外對rantee“early detection 東舞and early dispos你業al”.
