
2021-03-16 11:01:53 王豔,張秋蕾,王英華,等 2021年第3《中國(guó)動物檢疫》

爲建立可以快速同時(shí)檢測獸用疫苗中牛病毒性腹瀉病毒(BVD門舊V)、豬圓環病毒2型(PCV2)和豬細小病毒(P學購PV)3種(zhǒng)病原的方法,通兵又過(guò)研究比對(duì)頻醫BVDV 5'-UTR、PCV2 Rep以及PPV NS1基因序跳內列,分别設計合成(chéng)了3對(duì)引物和3條熒光探針,樂紙在優化反應條件和反應程序後(hò哥唱u),建立了一種(zhǒng)可同時(shí)檢測BVDV、P姐討CV2以及PPV的三重熒光定量PCR方法,并對數這(duì)其敏感性、特異性進(商現jìn)行了評估。結果顯示,建立的三重熒光定量PCR方法靈敏度高,對(duì)朋冷3種(zhǒng)病原核酸的最低檢測限均爲10 copies/訊和µL;特異性強,與其他相關病原(豬瘟病毒、豬繁殖與呼吸綜合征病毒、僞狂犬病病慢吃毒、非洲豬瘟病毒)均無交叉反應。結果表明,本試驗睡森建立的三重熒光定量PCR适于疫苗中有湖外源病毒的檢測,可用于疫苗等生物制品質量把控。

Establishment of a Triple Fluorescent 見科Quantitative PCR for Detecti姐用ng BVDV,PCV-2 a照能nd PPV in Veterin電樹ary Vaccines

In order to establish a rapid metho花信d for simultaneously detectin得志g bovine viral diarrhea virus(BVDV),por林小cine circovirus ty河哥pe 2(PCV2)and po友間rcine parvovirus(PPV)in ve路林terinary vaccines,three pair冷門s of primers and three f上山luorescent probes were designed and 亮弟synthesized through compa們相ring the sequenc弟來es of BVDV 5'-UTR,PCV2 雨間Rep and PPA NS1 ge房下nes,followed by 很外the optimization of reaction cond嗎地itions and procedures,a triple fl藍坐uorescent quantitative 樂從PCR was established for simu說還ltaneously detecting BVDV,P女水CV2 and PPV,then its sensitivity a湖水nd specificity were麗中 evaluated. The results showed that the照電 established method麗作 was with high sensitivity and specific睡很ity,its minimum detecti南動on limits for the thr靜動ee pathogen nucleic acids w友不ere 10 copies/μL,and failed to react在窗 with other relevant p美林athogens,including classical swine f筆近ever virus(CSFV),porcin時又e reproductive and respiratory syndro得雪me virus(PRRSV),pseu喝呢dorabies virus(輛鐘PRV),African swine fever virus(ASFV). I視玩t was concluded tha相多t the method was applicable for detec外費tion of exogenous virus in玩空 vaccines,and could be u他南sed to control th花慢e quality of vaccines 書藍and other biological pro金草ducts.
