Research and Application湖那 Progress of Trad裡書itional and New Salting T身議echniques for Casing for Sausages
As China has been a major expo麗女rter of casing for sausages in the worl分兒d,the research background,lates志內t progress and ap火黃plication scope of the salting身那 techniques by traditional sodi土事um chloride(NaCl)and new phosphate sup雜老plement dry salt(P男光-salt)were summarized,and the operati師術on mode of latest casing processing冷呢 techniques in other countries 山了was introduced in the paper,for問行 the purpose of learning upd什算ate trend of int件體ernational salting techniques,and tr票道acing the research direction and又用 progress in relevant organiza窗章tions. NaCl salt頻紙ing technology has a你站lways been the main method for a這頻ntisepsis,sterilization and飛農 room temperature preservation of casin拍體gs,at present,mos北議t semi-finished and fi用但nished casings i的去n international trade 鐵知are treated with this technology. Th現玩e bactericidal capac鄉街ity of the NaCl salting t裡廠echnology is closely related日歌 to salt concentr讀說ation(water activity,curing temperat理都ure,pH value and other factors)in s動暗alted casings. P-salt salting冷音 technique can obviously improve sanita她費ry conditions and m鐘亮echanical properties of casing城信s,including bot放短h the lubricity whe玩空n contents are filled into casings樂低 and the eradication ef裡理fect when viruses are c下外arried by casings. Relevant r學他esearch results have been con年頻sidered as the i土舊mportant basis for務但 development of salting technique fo我綠r casings. Currently,the答你 salting technology of casings站子 at home and abroad has gra話她dually entered into 制為the coexistence o文作f traditional NaCl and new p近雜-salt salting technology,and冷東 there is a great tre這呢nd to the latter. Some references筆媽 were thereby provid資鐘ed for the research and reserve 廠是of casing salting techn唱匠ique in China.