
2021-05-17 10:15:睡裡09 劉平,吳海榮,張偉超,等 2021年第5期《中國(guó)動物檢疫》

爲掌握新疆、青海、甘肅、四川和西藏等西部5省區農牧民包蟲病防控相關知識、态得從度和行爲(“知信行”),分析影響報體“知信行”水平的關鍵因素,對(duì)如和1 213名農牧民進(jìn)行問卷調查,用百分比車南描述“知信行”的每個條目,采用t檢驗或方差分析,比較不同人群的“知信行”水平差厭媽異。結果顯示:西部5省區農牧民對(duì)包蟲病防街分控相關知識的知曉率爲57.0%,其中感染途徑知曉率最低,爲3跳懂0.8%;55.6%的農牧民對(duì)包蟲病防控持有積極态度,68.3%舞跳的農牧民對(duì)包蟲病防控有較好(h東白ǎo)的行爲習慣。當地農牧民獲取包蟲病防治知識的途徑多來自醫生和傳統都山宣傳資料,分别占60.7%和48.2媽呢%,未來還(hái)希望通過(guò)電視、廣播和暗錯網絡等大衆媒體獲取。青海省農牧民以及文化程度初中及以上、票志民族爲漢族的農牧民具有較高的認知水平。結果表明影器,西部5省區農牧民對(duì)包蟲病的認知水平較低,獲取相關信息途路坐徑較爲單一。建議加大宣傳力度,突出包蟲病源頭防控;利用當前主流新媒體,豐富宣傳舞兵方式,使宣傳内容、載體更加契合西部少數民族地區的生活和文化習慣,切實要如推進(jìn)農牧民防疫意識和自我防護意識的提升。

Awareness of Herdsmen fo了光r the Preventio金劇n and Control of Echinococcosis and 影算Potential Risk Factors in林是 Western China

In order to investigate 坐離relevant knowledge,劇低attitude and practic關跳e(KAP)of herdsmen t區信owards the prevention and contro鐵務l of echinococcosis in Western子吧 China including Xinjiang,Qingha爸媽i,Gansu,Sichuan an道近d Tibet,and to analyze the key factors 玩從for KAP level,a questionnaire從子 investigation was conducted for地什 1 213 herdsmen,each 快草item of KAP was described by pe風厭rcentage,and the KAP 些多levels among diff人術erent populations were compared by 草術t test or ANOVA. The results s拿體howed that the average aw動市areness rate of herdsmen for the 我影knowledge of prevention and control of信時 echinococcosis was 57.0%,and that for金讀 infection route was 你媽30.8%,which was the lowest;55.6% of器計 herdsmen were active草線 for the prevention of echinococcos請風is,and 68.3% performed better be這腦havior habits. Local h厭他erdsmen could access to the a窗請bove knowledge mostly from doctor鐵鐘s and tradition那市al publicity materials,accounting fo黑劇r 60.7% and 48.2%,respectively,mas說嗎s media such as television,radio and In兒唱ternet were also expected in the f資門uture. The herdsmen with educat市媽ion background of樂請 junior middle school or abo知謝ve,and from Han ethnic group i開子n Qinghai Provin生湖ce were at high awareness媽信 level. It was concluded th歌車at the herdsmen knew li器習ttle about echinococcosis due制有 to single pathway to湖物 access to relevant informat民音ion. It was suggested to strengthe窗理n awareness activities with a priorit近會y of prevention and control fr年朋om source,enrich pu鄉友blicity methods by use of curr和場ent new media to make the contents 裡鐵and carriers conform to the living聽舞 and cultural habits in the e樹從thnic minority regions拿林,and to effectively imp跳數rove herdsmen's awareness for prev又影ention and control of the disease and微朋 self-protection.
