傳染性法氏囊病病毒(infectious bursal diseas話刀e virus,IBDV)新型變異株正在我關舞國(guó)廣泛蔓延,給商品肉雞什土群和蛋雞群帶來了新的威脅。本研究對(duì)一個疑似愛上發(fā)生非典型傳染性法氏囊病的地方品空知種(zhǒng)雪山草雞群進(jìn)行了RT-PCR檢測,并對(duì)分內河離的3株毒株進(jìn)行了基因測序及序列分雜現析。結果顯示,引起(qǐ)該雞群發(fā)病的病原是IBDV新型變異株,屬于A討購2dB1基因型;這(zhè)3個毒株的V到舊P2高變區編碼蛋白上含有IBDV變異株的特征性氨基酸,也具有I空做BDV新型變異株的獨特氨基酸。結果提示,我國(guó)地術見方品種(zhǒng)雞群中也有IB熱件DV新型變異株的流行,現有的部分商品化IBDV疫苗已不能(néng)有效預防I低東BDV新型變異株的流行。
Identification of Novel Variant 說視Strain of Infectious Bursal Disease時短 Virus in Xueshan Chicken
Novel variant strains of器和 infectious bursal disea費吃se virus(IBDV)have been spr些服eading widely in China,po議鐘sing a new threat to commercial broi來森lers and layers. In the study,a lo外船cal variety of Xueshan chicken 湖影with suspected atyp少爸ical IBD was detected by RT-P的白CR,gene sequencing and s刀可equence analysis were then 日山conducted for th微我e three isolates. The results showed空河 that the disease was cau煙窗sed by novel variant strain of為短 IBDV that belongs to A2dB1 genotype吧黑;in addition to the ch林在aracteristic amino acids of variant s黃銀train,the unique amino acids of n新著ovel variant IBDV were also conta高吃ined in the hypervariable region of VP用跳2 encoding proteins村湖 of the three isolates. It was放術 indicated that th到件e novel variant IBD文亮V could not be effe離銀ctively controlled還道 by some current comm用書ercial vaccines,as it h空畫as been spreading in 水雜local chicken in Ch影飛ina.