爲了解廣西豬場僞狂犬病毒(PRV)感染和免人學疫狀況,2017年1月—2020年月雨12月,對(duì)部分豬場随機采樣(拿玩yàng)送檢的血清樣(yàng)品,應用訊南ELISA方法開(kāi)展PRV血清內和抗體檢測,并對(duì)檢測結果進(jìn)行不同年份、不謝線同季節、不同地區、不同生長(cháng)階段豬群的統計分好司析。結果顯示:從時(shí)間分布上看,20厭農18年PRV gE抗體場陽性率(57.71%)和個體陽性率(24.75%)鐘還均最高,此後(hòu)呈逐年下降趨勢鐘時,其中個體陽性率下降明顯(P<0.05),2問北020年下降至6.14%;各年間的PRV gB抗體場從銀合格率差異不顯著(P>0.05),均在數樹90%以上,而2019年的個體陽性率(8內兵8.71%)最低,與其他年份差異顯著(P<0不朋.05)。冬季PRV gE和gB抗體個體陽性率最低,分别爲14窗電.96%和89.35%,與其他季節差異明顯(P<0.05);冬季gE抗體場陽體銀性率(42.97%)最低,與春季、秋季差異不顯著(P>0市快.05),但顯著低于夏季(P<0.05),而場為gB抗體場合格率一年四季差異不顯著(P>0.05),均在95%以下這上。從空間分布上看,廣西14個地市豬場均存在不中能同程度的PRV野毒感染,其中玉林市最嚴重,場陽性率和個體陽性率分别爲69.北答51%和35.86%,而欽州市最輕,分别爲16.67%河路和4.07%;PRV gB抗體個體合格率普遍較高,均在84%山懂以上。從不同生長(cháng)階段豬群上看,後(hòu)備母豬、育肥豬P數土RV gE和gB抗體個體陽性率均顯著低于其他生坐笑長(cháng)階段豬群(P<習有0.05),其中gE抗體個體陽性率在13%以下,而gB抗體個體陽性率不足8習河0%。結果表明,近年廣西規模豬場PRV野毒光到感染率較高,而疫苗免疫并不能(néng)完全阻止學筆野毒株感染。建議通過(guò)PRV淨化和提高規模豬場生物安全水平等措施南友來控制其流行。本研究爲制定合理的豬僞狂犬病弟頻防控與淨化策略提供了依據。
Detection of Antibodies 爸嗎against PRV in Seru些司m Samples Delivered by刀玩 Some Swine Farms in Guangxi fr資數om 2017 to 2020
In order to investigate the status of 章話infection and immune of porcine pseudor廠農abies virus(PRV)in swine farms in G河匠uangxi,serum samples子業 randomly collected from some冷還 farms during January 2017 to Decembe喝藍r 2020 were detected for a對東ntibodies against PRV by ELISA小能,the results wer錯裡e summarized and analyzed according t對報o different years電制,seasons,regions and資高 pig populations at different ages用水. The results showed that劇國 the positive rates of antibodies工門 against PRV gE看河 at farm level(57.71%)and in吧門dividual level(2麗拿4.75%)were highes水電t in 2018,then trend城志ed to decrease year by year,especiall到刀y the individual one that even d員要ecreased to 6.14%術輛 in 2020(P<0.05);the qualification rate議就s of antibodies again紙相st PRV gB at farm到區 level were above 90% and the differen制跳ce was not significant in all these時都 years(P>0.05),but the pos著討itive rate at the individual也會 level was lowest in 2019(88.71%),and 路行significantly differen美黑t from those in other years(P<0.05).志計 The individual positive從聽 rates of antibodie樂東s against PRV gE and gB were 14.96% a歌門nd 89.35% respectively吧器,lowest in winter,and obvi通刀ously different from those in oth紙慢er seasons(P<0.0西制5);the positive rates of antibodies 輛校against gE at farm level were lowest鐘離 in winter(42.97%),and not吧們 significantly different f舞動rom those in spring and fall(P>0.離影05),but signifi匠購cantly lower than those in summer(P<0.0麗玩5),while those of antibodies again我煙st gB were above 95% 南外and the difference th嗎腦roughout the year wa分飛s not significant(P>0.05). For 門時spatial distribut說輛ion,PRV wild virus wa錢服s present in al房好l the farms to different exte畫黃nt,most serious in Yulin City wher河上e the positive rates at farm and 照匠individual level were 69.51% and 3章算5.86%,respectiv藍綠ely,and lightest in Qi新朋nzhou City wher玩錢e were 16.67% a遠這nd 4.07%,respectively;The individ窗書ual qualification ra畫醫tes of antibodies against 公請gB were all above 84% and家公 generally higher. For pig po那服pulations at diff票喝erent ages,the ind低女ividual positive知湖 rates of antib筆我odies against gE and gB筆林 in reserved sows and 路看finishing pigs were significant鐘費ly lower than th綠事ose at other stages(P<0.05),她跳specifically,the individual positive 開村rate of antibodies against gE was 和機less than 13%,while that of ant城兒ibodies against gB was less than地線 80%. In conclusion,the infect會低ion rate of PRV wild virus was小河 relatively high in large-scale farms影分 in Guangxi,which could not be fully員議 controlled by vac窗年cination,so PRV purification and improv紙到ement of bio-safety leve開裡l in the farms were學區 recommended. A basis was thereby p我物rovided for developing reason話鐘able measures for PRV prevention,劇件control and purification.志樹