
2021-12-23 09:54:35 邵琦,曹琦,張佳佳,等 2021年第12期《中國(guó)動物檢疫》


Studies on the 村歌Roles of Innate Immune RIG-I-like 吃樂Receptor LGP2 in Antiviral Immunity

RIG-I-like receptor媽地s(RLRs)are the 玩我key pattern recognition recep道河tors(PRRs)in cytoplasm,and L窗錢GP2 is one of its importan資錯t family member會音s. LGP2 functions specially in anti舊作viral innate immune response,and could 時冷regulate the type-I interferon(學到IFNs)signaling mediated by RIG-I a服些nd MDA5 bidirectional開這. Functional differences are also 知放obviously present in LGP2 during th用從e process of infection 事友with different viruses in hosts.LGP2 拍不positively regulates the去舞 progress of sign到遠aling mediated by RIG-I in doub友廠le-stranded DNA(dsDNA)viruses,induces 行信type-I IFNs through su師雨pporting the binding of購員 inactivated RIG-I located i聽她n CARDs region with atyp火報ical ubiquitin ch謝了ainin single-strande你通d DNA(ssDNA)viruses,increases the cap雨錯acity of RIG-I and MDA5 to rec微海ognize dsRNA through normal exp火大ression in double樂們-stranded RNA(dsR費低NA)viruses,participates in the 嗎好process of recognition for positive作冷-sense single-s是雪tranded RNA(+ssRNA)viruses,and 坐紅is sometimes used as 作畫an inducer for IFNs in nega能靜tive-sense single-stranded RNA(知在-ssRNA)viruses. In ad機有dition,LGP2 also plays 會雜an important role i拍會n adaptive immune response,regulat外的ing the survival 女金and apoptosis of T cells through di什農fferent ways. Currently,its spec得海ific functions and mechanisms for廠文 regulation of 上技signaling mediated 老銀by RIG-I and MDA5 and for antiviral 錢光immune response are still unclear,身動which should be further studied呢算 in the future. In the pape兒刀r,the studies on the roles低河 of LGP2 in signaling mediated by RL訊輛Rs and antiviral見員 immune response in北雪 recent years were revi秒黑ewed,with a view to providing a refe說他rence for further study 暗懂on LGP2 and new mechanisms of答短 resistance to vi她在ral infection.
