
2021-12-23 09:56:4學鄉0 王芳蕊,袁雪濤,王鎮,等 2021年第12期《中國(guó)動物檢疫》

爲驗證豬繁殖與呼吸綜合征(PRR民照S)嵌合病毒活疫苗(PC株)和農市滅活疫苗聯合應用于母豬的免疫效果,在天津市某PR購能RS陽性豬場,對(duì)部分母豬實施了兩(liǎng)種(zh愛信ǒng)疫苗聯合免疫試驗,利用RT-PCR和間接ELISA方法進(jìn)行亮黑病毒和免疫抗體檢測。結果顯示:接種(zhǒng)疫志弟苗後(hòu),試驗母豬精神、食欲和體溫均正常,豬肛拭子和飼養環境樣(yàng畫多)品中均未檢測到病毒;免疫後(hòu)14~70 d,業又試驗母豬PRRS抗體陽性率均爲100我路%;免疫後(hòu)42 d,試驗母豬的裡訊抗體IRPC平均值仍維持在較高水平,且免疫後(hòu)14 d,2個試姐業驗組變異系數分别下降31和44個百分點;試驗母豬所産仔豬的均勻度、活潑程度均高相和于對(duì)照組。結果表明,PRRS嵌合病毒活疫苗(PC株)和滅年看活苗聯合免疫安全有效,不僅可以很問煙好(hǎo)地誘導機體産生正常的免討睡疫反應,而且還(hái)可以提高豬群抗體的整齊度且無排毒一老風險,免疫保護期較長(cháng)。本研究爲陽性豬購那場的PRRS防控提供了有效免疫方案。

Application Test of Combined Vacci慢鐘nation of Live Chimeric Virus生草 Vaccine(PRRSV PC Strain)and Inactiv現費ated Vaccine in So小算ws

In order to verify the 中吃immune effect of combin爸火ed vaccination of chimeric vi問窗rus vaccine(PC strain)and 間少inactivated vaccine of porcine repro公來ductive and respi草哥ratory syndrome(PRRS)applied in sow件林s,some sows in a PRRS positive farm 空廠in Tianjin City were simultane生個ously vaccinated with the two 如舞kinds of vaccines草哥,and related samples were報們 collected and detec務票ted for virus nu錯作cleic acids and antibodies by RT-PCR在市 and indirect ELISA美謝,respectively. The re友懂sults showed that the e山近xperimental sows were 你請with normal spirit,appetite and body te紅看mperature,and no virus was detected i筆都n their samples of anal swabs an事化d feeding environment;the pos人服itive rate was 10大紅0% in 14 to 70 days aft很好er vaccination;the average I鐘慢RPC of antibodies remained at朋讀 a relatively high level in 4事體2 days after vaccination和亮,and the variation影民 coefficient of t下民he two experimental groups decrease雪唱d by 31% and 44% re雪湖spectively in 14 days after vac藍影cination;the evenness an學小d liveliness of pi作見glets produced by the experimental so關器ws were higher than those by control 少土group. In conclusion,combined vacc算可ination of chimeric virus va討可ccine(PC strain)an朋體d inactivated vaccine 爸機of PRRS was safe and妹亮 effective,which not only induced n上電ormal immune response in the body,b場動ut also improved the uniformity o現謝f antibodies in p文黑igs without any risk of detoxificatio我視n,and provided a小對 long immune protect知懂ion period. An alternat空店ive and effective那要 choice for PRRS prevention and con員新trol was thereby provided f村南or PRRS-positive 員身farms.  
