爲了解雞傳染性支氣管炎病毒(IBV)在我國(guó)的流行規律,通看拍過(guò)RT-PCR方法,對(du校睡ì)2019—2021年從我國(guó)29個省級行政區送檢的38 44生區2份疑似IBV感染樣(yàng)品進(jìn)行病原檢測和鑒定,對(duì)檢又但出的陽性樣(yàng)品進(jìn)行S1基雪媽因測序分型,然後(hòu)對(duì)檢測看民結果進(jìn)行時(shí)間、空間和群間統計分析。結果顯示:共檢個聽出6 436份IBV陽性樣(yàng)本,陽性檢出空區率爲16.7%。2019—2021年的IBV陽性檢出率分别爲12.5%、鐘放16.4%、21.0%,呈逐年增長(cháng)趨勢:陽相來性檢出率呈現一定的季節性變化特點,7—9月員林檢出率(11.3%~15.4%)較低民從,而3—6月(17.3%~19.3亮下%)和10—12月(17.5%~19.0%)較高又道。全國(guó)29個省級行政區中有會坐27個檢出陽性樣(yàng)品,其中東部和中部家禽養殖密集區陽性檢出率較亮睡高,而西部和北部地區較低。白羽肉雞陽性檢出率最高(28.9%),肉種(不黃zhǒng)雞陽性檢出率最低(5.0%),0~6周齡階段IBV感身姐染較爲嚴重。共檢出5種(zhǒng說作)基因型,其中QX型(66.5算學%)、GVI型(27.7%)占比較高,爲當前流行的優勢術學基因型;不同品種(zhǒng)雞群中流行的基因型存在一定差異,白羽肉雞黃作群中以QX和GVI型爲主,而其他雞群中流行的基一姐因型較爲複雜;QX型0~3周齡(33.2%)、GVI型3~6行照周齡(66.4%)陽性檢出數量占比較高,6周人計齡以後(hòu)占比均較低(<14.0%)。結果土錯表明:我國(guó)雞群中IBV感染普遍,尤其是家吧你禽養殖密集區,且流行呈逐年加重趨勢;冬春或秋冬季節多發畫我(fā),小日齡雞群感染嚴重;流行基因型複雜,以QX型和GVI型多見。結果冷化提示,我國(guó)的IB防控面(miàn)臨較大壓力與挑戰,需要加強優勢這些基因型疫苗的研發(fā),重點做好(hǎo)小日齡雞群的IB防控。
Epidemiological 我知Investigation on Avian Infectious Br國湖onchitis in 29 Provinci暗愛al Administrative Regions o區見f China from 2019 t歌靜o 2021
In order to identify the prevalence rul筆會e of avian infec員可tious bronchitis virus(黃作IBV)in China,38 442 samples wi從村th suspected IBV 體拍infection submitt年話ed by 29 regions 費舞at provincial levels from 20從間19 to 2021 were detected and identifie從去d by RT-PCR. The S1 genes 紙兒of positive samples were se女為quenced and typed,a喝船nd then the results were也放 statistically analyzed f從是rom the aspects of time,space and in議服tergroup. The results sho低黃wed that 6 436 I書鄉BV positive samples were de見兒tected,with the pos區紙itive detection友行 rate of 16.7%.The 動街positive detection 銀能rates of IBV for the three year城林s were 12.5%,16.4% and 21.0%湖說 respectively,tending to increase yea技道r by year:the positive detection rate機高 changed with seasons to certain ext們紙ent,which was lower from July to人黃 September(11.3% to 15.4%),and自個 higher from March to Jun自說e(17.3% to 19.3%)and October to Decem術中ber(17.5% to 19.0%). Positive s舞章amples were detected from 27 out間坐 of 29 regions,the dete國城ction rates were h嗎開igher in intensive poultry areas in t空爸he eastern and central regions,and low外黑er in the western and要老 northern regions.腦頻 The detection rate of white feather b麗友roilers was highest(28.9%),and t習從hat of broiler breed舊身ers was lowest(5.0%). 務票The infection with IBV was more ser小子ious in chickens at the age of 0~6綠還 weeks. Five geno麗弟types were detec很如ted,especially QX(66.5%)and GVI(27那喝.7%)that were dominant genoty舊笑pes;the prevalent genotyp門還es were different in different黑友 breeds,QX and GVI were the main geno近慢types in white 村但feather broiler flock來什s,while the prevalent genoty銀站pes were complex in other flocks農快;the positive rates of QX and GVI w子村ere higher in the flocks at 0地對 to 3 weeks old(33.2%)and 3 to 6得黑 weeks old(66.4%),a近做nd lower in those a都花t more than 6 weeks old(<14.0%).些你 In conclusion,IBV was widely distrib道刀uted in chicken floc員近ks in China,especially in intensive are多議as where the pr我什evalence tended to increase yea弟信r by year;it occurred frequen來木tly in winter,spring or autumn,and 照動was serious in the fl笑國ocks at young day old;the prevalent對土 genotypes were complex,especially QX這還 and GVI were common. In conclu店吃sion,there was a huge pressure費麗 and challenge to prevent and co科窗ntrol IB in China,thu藍知s it was necessary to strengthen家舊 the development of vac民購cines of dominant virus genotypes,a來我nd a priority should都音 be given to IB control of chi劇黃cken flocks at you去文ng day old.