
2022-04-20 09:35:35 亓菲,付樹芳,孫翔翔,等 2022年第4期《中國(guó)動物檢疫是問》

戊型肝炎(hepatitis E,HE)是由戊型肝炎病毒(hepa家腦titis E virus,HEV在請)引起(qǐ)的一種(zhǒng)病毒性人獸共患傳染病。購鐘自1997年在美國(guó)首次從家豬體内發(fā)現HEV以來,已确定該病毒個農能(néng)夠感染人類以及豬、鹿、兔、駱駝、大鼠等多種(zhǒng)動物著鄉。HEV通常會(huì)導緻肝衰竭、慢性肝炎以及肝坐麗外神經(jīng)和腎髒疾病。該病主要通過(guò)舞音糞口途徑傳播,也可以通過(guò)血液傳播。據估計城在,全球每年約有2 000萬人感染HEV,年輕劇南人病死率爲0.5%~3.0%,而孕婦感染後(hòu)死亡率可高達30%,因木快此HEV對(duì)公共衛生安全構成(們樂chéng)了巨大的威脅。本文主要對(duì)HEV的病原學(xué)、美討流行病學(xué)、診斷、防控等方面(miàn)的研究情況進(jìn)行綜述,有做旨在進(jìn)一步提高相關從業人員等對(du謝煙ì)本病的認識,以便做好(hǎo)研究和防控應對間吃(duì)工作。

Introduction to the Studies on Hepati腦行tis E

Hepatitis E(HE)is a viral zoonosis ca金到used by infecti低樹on with hepatitis E virus(HEV). S日對ince 1997,when HEV was fir城件stly detected from do請飛mestic pigs in the Un弟鐘ited States,it has been conf答頻irmed that human,pigs,deer,rabbits,ca亮友mels,rats and ot筆著her animals could be 業月infected with the virus. HEV usua坐花lly leads to liver failure會民,chronic hepatitis and extrahe裡白patic nerve and kid亮老ney diseases. The dis路日ease is mainly transmitted 得城through fecal-oral route in addition間水 to blood. It is estimated that abou廠為t 20 million people are infect坐遠ed with HEV every year in the worl不大d,with a mortality of能微 0.5% to 3.0% in young people,and畫吃 up to 30% in pregnant women with infe分很ction,posing a great t舊討hreat to public 數視health safety. In the paper,the stud開自ies on the etiology,epidemiology慢雜,diagnosis,preven日能tion and control of HEV were summ道知arized,with a view to furt東火her improving the awarene短空ss of relevant p錯遠ractitioners to make th門讀em better research or resp理在ond to future outbre輛中ak.  
