雲南省某養雞場鼻氣管鳥杆菌核酸檢測及其16S rDNA基因序列分析

2022-06-27 15:11:25 胡騎,張振興,宋建領 《中國(guó)動物檢疫》2022能呢年第六期

爲确定雲南省易門縣某養雞場大量肉雞出現流鼻涕、打噴嚏、面(miàn一他)部腫脹、食欲下降的原因,采集病死肉雞鼻腔會動黏液及肺、氣管等組織,處理後(hòu)睡筆提取病原核酸,通過(guò)RT-PCR/PCR方法分别檢測禽流們術感病毒(AIV)、傳染性喉氣管炎病毒(I中自LTV)、鼻氣管鳥杆菌(ORT)、雞副嗜血杆菌(ICV)。結聽木果顯示,僅ORT爲核酸陽性,其他病原均爲陰性。對(duì)檢出的ORT陽性樣(南黃yàng)品16S rDNA基因進(jìn)行序內快列分析發(fā)現,陽性樣(yàng)品與伊朗信紅分離株和土耳其/匈牙利分離株的同源性均在99.7%以上,都(d件公ōu)處于同一分支内,與國(guó)内2014年的報道(dà雨務o)一緻,說(shuō)明雲南省流行的ORT變異較少,僅具有相對(duì筆不)短的進(jìn)化史。本研究對(duì)于指導該地區雞群細菌病防控具有金熱參考意義。

Nucleic Acid Detection and 16S 化懂rDNA Gene Sequence Ana答相lysis of Ornitho件司bacterium rhinotracheale in a C金科hicken Farm in Yunnan Provi暗什nve

In order to determine the cause黃從s of runny nose,sneezing,fa音拿cial swelling and loss of appet校員ite in a large number of 有身broiler chickens知高 in a farm in Yimen County,Yun月師nan Province,tissues such as nasal 爸慢mucus,lungs and tra會音chea of dead broil這時er chickens were collected to extract t音爸he nucleic acid of the pathog舞內en after disposal,then to dete討業ct avian influenza virus(AIV),inf刀內ectious laryngotrac著匠heitis virus(ILTV),男又Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale來玩(ORT)and Haemophilus paragallinium(I自美CV),respectively b謝上y RT-PCR/PCR. The results showed th呢坐at positive nucleic acid was obser少長ved only in ORT,an見章d negative in all兒店 other pathogens. The sequence of 16S請好 rDNA gene of the detected ORT 錯謝positive samples was analyzed,and it 劇吃was found that the 16S rDNA gene had爸鄉 more than 99.7能女% homology with t影用he Iranian and Turkey/Hung農這ary isolates,all 對房of which were loca從們ted in the same branch,wh紙上ich was similar to the inform員匠ation reported in Ch國信ina in 2014,indicating fewe下雨r pathogenic variations舞林 of ORT prevalent in Yunna窗南n Province and a relatively short 購答evolutionary history. Therefor制路e,the study was of reference significa靜生nce to guide the prevention and con飛老trol of bacterial diseases in chicken 門爸flocks in the region.
