Investigation on Major Clinica吃上l Symptoms and Bi器得osafety in Some Intensive Beef Cattl照動e Farms in Southern Xinjiang
In recent years,Angus beef catt黃近le have been impor又知ted into Southe務現rn Xinjiang for breeding. In order 影去to identify the epidem答大ic status of ma些拍jor animal dise跳去ases and current biosafet鐘看y problems in intensive farms請間 in the region,four large and可習 medium-sized intens市體ive farms in Kashi region were i年訊nvestigated by means of f弟答ield interview,questionna術議ire investigation and laboratory test見靜. The results showed姐內 that the main clin請黃ical symptoms of the catt知輛le included diarrhea,fol我見lowed by pneumo裡家nia;the main viral patho朋看gens causing calves diarrhea were bovin劇還e coronavirus(BCV)了朋and bovine norovirus(BNoV),with p樂司ositive detection rates of 1空廠9.93% and 15.20% respe明時ctively. Pneumonia was mainly caused by什公 bovine infectious 商謝rhinotracheitis virus(IBRV)a高算nd bovine adenovirus type 3(BAV-3司現),with positive detection r商討ates of 28.24% and 1鐘道4.12% respectively. Potenti答制al dangers to different extent were f月長ound in the con朋對struction of disease pre電票vention facilities and equipme員喝nt,implementation of d志校isinfection system,management and mov新著ement control of persons 能多and materials,development 上外of rules and regulat問小ions,feeding ma他冷nagement,prevent個老ion and control of rode雨鐵nts and flies as well as biosafe學車ty disposal in the four業船 farms. In conclusion,BCV,BNoV,IBRV,一習BAV-3 and other viruses sh謝視ould be strictly 數都controlled in the farms,the inciden站票ce rate of diarrhea 器黃and pneumonia should be reduced by高笑 strengthening immunization,an師輛d any external pathogens should be a嗎他voided by strict b吧車iological safety control. A basis was笑作 thus provided fo月數r future prevention and control of an離問imal diseases of還章 Angus beef cattle imported to the r村報egion.