爲了解新疆北疆地區鼠類伯氏疏螺旋體攜帶情況及哥們其基因型分布特征,2021年1—9月在新疆昌吉州吉木薩爾縣、伊犁哈薩克自治州老國新源縣、塔城地區烏蘇市巴音溝,采集147隻野生鼠類的腎髒和膀胱組織樣(y空懂àng)本,采用實時(shí)熒光定量PCR和巢式PCR方法商花,檢測鼠類中的伯氏疏螺旋體攜帶情況;以伯氏疏螺旋體5S熱南—23S基因間隔區進(jìn)行巢式作我 PCR檢測,對(duì)檢出的陽性樣(yàng)本進(jìn)行基因測序請海及序列分析,确定伯氏疏螺旋體基因型,構建系統發(fā)育樹。結果什話顯示:在147份鼠類樣(yàng)本中,經(jīng)實時(shí影用)熒光定量PCR和巢式PCR方法檢測,分别檢出伯氏疏螺旋體陽性短雨樣(yàng)本11份和13份,陽性率分别爲7.48%和8資東.84%;13份巢式PCR陽性樣(yàng)本中,吉木薩爾縣檢出1份,是門新源縣檢出1份,烏蘇市檢出11份,通過(業還guò)序列同源性分析确定Borreliella garin為技ii、Borreliella 草但bavariensis爲主要緻病呢歌基因型。結果表明,北疆地區鼠類中存在伯氏疏螺旋體的自然感染,有傳視吧播給家畜及人群的風險,應加強該病原體檢測和萊姆病防控。
Investigation on Borrelia burg刀鄉dorferi in Rodents in Some Are去費as in Northern Xinj呢近iang
In order to identify the prevalenc國著e and genotype distribut東見ion of Borrelia 兵場burgdorferi in rodents in Northern X男外injiang,from Januar站金y to September 2021,the k風化idney and bladder tissue sampl睡白es were collected from 147 用姐wild rodents in Jimusar 草空County of Changji Prefecture,Xiny有商uan County of Ili Kazak Autonomous Pref土兵ecture,Wusu City(錯土Bayingou) of Tacheng Prefecture to de嗎謝tect Borrelia burgdorferi by real t湖紅ime fluorescent quantitat用錢ive PCR and nested PCR;t黑一he positive samples detected by nested 做作PCR with the Borrelia burg讀說dorferi 5S-23S gene土金 spacer region were subje報刀ct to gene seque術店ncing and polygenetic tree a大現nalysis to determine t月訊he genotype of Borrelia 民微burgdorferi.. The results sh兒快owed that 11 and 13 p遠愛ositive samples were自西 respectively detected by 還又real-time PCR and nested拿器 PCR,with the positive rates of得舊 7.48% and 8.84%,respectively;明輛for 13 positive sample好身s by nested PCR,one was detected eac讀鄉h from Jimsar and Xi長近nyuan,and 11 from Wusu. Borreliella gar藍男inii and Borreliella bavariensis 城自were identified as the main path城些ogenic genotypes by sequence ho信不mology analysis. In conclusion,樂了natural infection with Borrelia bu新日rgdorferi was available in rodents匠小,which posed a risk to lives喝坐tock and persons,indicating that務雜 the pathogen of the森我 disease should be monitored and L自場yme disease should be strictl那訊y controlled.