
2022-09-21 15:24:20 王雯瓊,柳海,徐勝威等 《中國(guó)動物檢疫》2022年第8期

爲了解浙江省甯波市南美白對(duì)蝦主養區蝦肝腸胞蟲(EHP)、十體司足目虹彩病毒1(DIV1)的流行規律,2021年3—9月,在甯波市鄞州、象山、醫歌甯海、奉化等地區的15個養殖場共采集119批次南美白對(duì)蝦養成(c路小héng)期樣(yàng)本,采用PCR方法河商檢測EHP和DIV1。結果顯示:EHP批次陽性率爲26.9男低%(32/119),DIV1批次陽性率爲10.9%(13/119),EH草間P+DIV1混合感染批次陽性率爲2.5%(3/119);E得化HP批次陽性率在各個養殖區域之間差異不顯著(P>地厭0.05),象山的DIV1批次陽性率最高,爲30.4%(7/23),顯公知著高于奉化(P<0.05),但與其他兩(liǎ藍討ng)地差異不顯著(P>0.05工多);EHP批次陽性率在體長(cháng)3亮冷 cm以上的蝦樣(yàng)中顯著高于小于3 cm的蝦樣(yàng)(P<0.知東05),而DIV1批次陽性率在不同體長(cháng)對(duì)蝦少計中均無顯著差異(P>0.05);EHP批次員友陽性率4—5月顯著低于6—9月(P<0.05),D說放IV1批次陽性率7—8月顯著高于其他月份(P<0.05);EHP在體鐘外表發(fā)紅症狀的批次中未檢出,在其餘症狀的批次中刀街均有檢出,DIV1在有體表發(fā)紅症狀的批次中陽性率較商熱高,爲91.0%(10/11)。結果表新事明:EHP在甯波市流行嚴重,主要流行于體長(cháng)大于3 c林場m的養殖中後(hòu)期對(duì)蝦,前期感染症狀不明顯;DIV1流行得下廠到一定的控制,現主要流行于體長(cháng)3~6 cm說窗的對(duì)蝦,體表發(fā)紅是DIV1弟大感染的重要病症;兩(liǎng)種(zhǒng)病原在夏季都(dōu)東木有較強的流行趨勢,需針對(du影歌ì)性加強防控。本監測初步掌握了什農甯波市南美白對(duì)蝦中EHP和DI綠麗V1的流行規律,爲甯波市南美白舊地對(duì)蝦病害防控提供了參考。

Etiological Surveillance for EH行學P and DIV1 in Penaeus vannamei in N弟木ingbo City of Zhejiang Province in 2021多黑

In order to find out the低厭 prevalence rules of Enterocytozoon 做到hepatopenaei(EHP)and decapo訊師d iridescent virus1(DIV1)in Pe制煙naeus vannamei in the main b土開reeding area in N風刀ingbo City,from March to Se坐少ptember 2021,119 batches of Penaeus 冷站vannamei samples were co金還llected from 15 fa知制rms in Yinzhou,Xiangsh弟見an,Ninghai and Fenghua好錯 in Ningbo City to detect EHP and DIV明農1 by PCR. The results s紙日howed that the batch positive r作讀ate of EHP was 議刀26.9%(32/119),the batch posi話長tive rate of DIV1 was 10.9%(13呢兒/119),and that of mixed拿跳 infection with 腦視EHP+DIV1 was 2.5%(身友3/119);that of EHP was 說學not significantly different我妹 among each area(P>0.05)and that習體 of DIV1 was highest in Xi信不angshan,which was 30.4%(7/23)and higher鄉理 than that in Fenghu師門a(P<0.05),but slightly different fro離是m the other two regions(P>0.05);the pos畫山itive rate of EHP was significantly 唱問higher in shrimp samples with 飛資the body length>3校件 cm than in those<3 cm樹火(P<0.05),while that of DIV1 was慢的 not significantly diffe對呢rent in those with different body 訊討lengths;that of EHP from April to Ma什鐵y was significantly lower than th都用at from June to September(P<0.05),a通風nd that of DIV1 from July to Augus市可t was significantly higher than ot靜她her months(P<0.05);ex遠人cept the batches with術白 the symptom of redden家低ing on body surface,EHP was detected林對 from those with other symptoms南喝,and the positive rate of DIV1 was h校綠igher in those wi北理th the symptom of reddening on body sur刀筆face,which was 91.0%(10/11). In concl土錯usion,EHP was seriously prevalent in慢北 Ningbo City,espe但道cially in the shrimps with th雨喝e body length > 拿房3 cm,but with slightly理會 infection sympoms at ear讀跳ly stage;DIV1 was con些高trolled to certa到訊in extent,and no技件w mainly in the shrimps with body算笑 length ranging from 3 to 時照6 cm,with main s器也ymptom of reddening on body surface;b高姐oth pathogens were strongly prevalent 章商in summer,which風會 should be targetedly prevented a購如nd controlled. The prevalence rules 路著of EHP and DIV1 in Penaeus vann劇遠amei were primaril服靜y investigated,which provided a ref子下erence for disease p短歌revention and control of Pen開一aeus vannamei in Ningbo City.
