爲評估傳染性造血器官壞死病病毒(infec很影tious haematopoietic necros哥劇is virus,IHNV)随國(guó)際貿易傳入事場我國(guó)的風險,按照世界動物醫年衛生組織(WOAH)動物衛生風險評估框架,從危害匠體識别、風險評估及風險管理3個方面(miàn)開(kāi)展風這土險分析。結果顯示:IHNV随活易車農感魚類(包括親魚、魚卵和魚苗)和鮮活餌料魚類(野雜山會魚)傳入的風險爲“高”;随非易感魚類及運輸活魚的水女綠、包裝、運輸工具和用具等傳入的風險爲“很低”;随食用易感魚我服類(包括活的、冷凍的、冰鮮的以及魚肉)和易感魚加請歌工産品傳入的風險爲“可忽略”。根據以上風險評理都估結果提出相應風險管理措施:不從疫區進(j嗎到ìn)口高風險産品,低風險産品可以自由貿易,對(duì)來自雨玩疫區的非易感魚類和運輸活魚的水、包裝、運輸工具和用具實施消毒。
Analysis on the Entry Risk of林我 Infectious Haematopoietic Ne兵一crosis
In order to evaluate the entry risk of 海腦infectious haematopoietic necrosi拿短s virus(IHNV)into China區站 with international tra雜得de,hazard identif要花ication,risk assessment and risk家在 management conce朋什rning the disease were analy少錢zed according to WOAH entry risk ass些湖essment framework. The results sho業信wed that the entry risk of IHNV accom離請panying with live s服開usceptible fish(including parent fish,鐘分fish eggs and fries)and live fish民對 for baits(wild miscellane林綠ous fish)was“high”;t雪綠hat with non-susceptible fish as wel都理l as water,packaging,means 低機of transport and appliances for呢師 transporting li答他ve fish was“very 媽通low”;and that with susceptible fish f朋木or human consumption(inclu大視ding live,frozen 光近or chilled fish and f市城ish meat)and processed produ這兒cts of susceptible fish was “negligib就子le”. Based on the r錯體esults of above risk assessmen日話t,corresponding risk management m門說easures were put forw到銀ard,such as,except the prod空兵ucts at low risk,those at hi麗友gh risk should n海為ot be imported from個雜 IHNV infected zones,all non-susceptib現秒le fish from infected zones as we一去ll as the water,packaging,me雪土ans of transport and u車開tensils for transporting live fish shou鐵制ld be disinfected.