
2022-09-21 15:28:46 田豔群,林源,何世成(chéng)等 《中國(guó)動物檢疫》2022年第8期


Questionnaire on the Prevalence an時空d Control of Lumpy Skin Disease in Cat場坐tle Farms in Hunan Province

In order to investigate the prevalence 紙妹and control of lum電妹py skin disease(LSD)in Hunan Provi又懂nce,188 cattle farms/househo友你lds in 10 cities老們/prefectures in the pr跳通ovince were investigat黃些ed by online questionnaire on the還飛ir situations and市木 modes of breeding,as well as技票 awareness,vacciantion and treatment ag這林ainst LSD from Nove樹微mber to December 2021. The results sh廠下owed that,in the線動 investigation,small-醫體scale farms/households去音 with an inventory<50章說 cattle accounted for 69.68%,th件她ose with the modes of fr文鐵ee-ranging and mixed free-rangin資民g with captive 笑區breeding were 27.66% and 輛著45.21%,respectively,those only fatten動文ing purchased calves 少術were 6.91%,and t現男hose with self-support 年開in combination with purchasi房城ng calves were 35.11%. 1說可3.92% farms/househ睡山olds mixed their orig服在inal cattle with the purchased ones wit小船hout any quarantine;94.68% aware紙子d of LSD,of which,89.36% 電裡agreed LSD could be t少麗reated;26.06% occurred suspected LSD做機 symptoms;59.57% implemented vaccinatio可朋n against LSD for all population,9.這高57% for some population,and aft笑小er vaccination,96.15% were ab金弟sent from suspected symptoms,and 12聽務.31% showed mild side effects. 匠著In conclusion,small土新-scale breeding played a 事行main role in the province 答藍with relatively 通頻traditional mode,which b民說rought a certain risk for spreading LS也化D. However,a certain awareness of dise器和ase control was observ司作ed in the farms/households where 業山LSD was well known科冷,so preventive and cont了湖rol measures such as vaccin機很ation,quarantine and treatm裡為ent could be actively書要 taken to find any 空答suspected cases in time. Therefore笑業,the risk of disease occurre得一nce was controllable in gene畫習ral. To this end,it wa到不s recommended that 技線supervision for vaccination and tr水跳ansportation sh化會ould be further strengthened to 店放effectively control any intro去裡duction or prevalence of t見員he disease.
