爲了解浙江省豬群塞内卡病毒(Senecavirus A,SVA)人白流行情況,2017—2020年開(kā愛讀i)展了SVA血清學(xué)和病原學黃都(xué)檢測。結果顯示:20錢睡18—2020年浙江省豬群SVA抗我是體個體陽性率分别爲21.86%、9.83%、12.7大大9%,群體陽性率分别爲83.00%、56.06%、70.89%,整市對體呈波動狀變化趨勢;屠宰場平均個體陽性率舞黃爲18.35%,高于養殖場(14.86%),差異明顯讀哥(P<0.01);浙南(19.13%)、浙北(1自草7.01%)的平均個體陽性率顯著高于其能電他區域(10.09%~12.25%)。2017—202們什0年SVA核酸個體陽性率、群體陽性率總體呈下降趨勢,商民分别由2017年的18.08%、33.80%下降至2020年的1.66說年%、3.81%;屠宰場屠宰豬群的SVA核酸個體陽性率(8.72%)高于養殖場和船長無害化處理場病死豬群(3.97%),差她作異顯著(P<0.01);2018—2020年僅在浙南、浙北區域檢出SV為金A核酸陽性。結果表明:浙江省豬群SVA感染有所控制,但流行範圍依然較廣,部分來友區域豬群SVA隐性感染較嚴重,需重視并持續加強豬群SVA感染監測拿行。
Epidemiological Investigation on 煙知Infection with Swine Senecavirus A 計道in Zhejiang Province
In order to investigate the prevalence 農看of swine Senecavirus A(SVA)in Zhe筆吧jiang Province,serological 山錯and pathogenic d什鄉etection of SVA was pe就微rformed from 2017 to 2020. T工路he results showed that,from 2018 算問to 2020,individual positive rates of還分 SVA antibody w相些ere 21.86%,9.83% and 12.79%,res事國pectively,the population on公友es were 83.00%,56有黑.06% and 70.89%,respectively,wit聽短h a fluctuating trend醫媽 in general;the average individu章司al positive rate in sl電金aughterhouses was 18.35%,h科外igher than that in fa船離rms(14.86%),with a significan遠話t difference(P<0.01);that in southe畫關rn Zhejiang(19.13%)and northern Zh都制ejiang(17.01%)was 路藍significantly hig線妹her than that in other regio懂拿ns(from 10.09% to 12.25%). From 腦新2017 to 2020,the individual and 謝機population positive rates o很術f SVA nucleic acid tended to線和 decline in general,from 18現讀.08% and 33.80% in 2017 to 1明自.66% and 3.81% 電裡in 2020,respecti內聽vely. The individual positi慢們ve rate of SVA nucleic acid in t些姐he pigs for slaugh窗國tering in slaughterhouses(8.72%)wa理拍s significantly higher t低大han that in the睡白 dead pigs in farms and r為舊endering plants(3.97%)件數,with significant difference(P<0.裡畫01);from 2018 to 2020,SVA n木爸ucleic acid was detected only in south舊坐ern and northern Zhejiang. In conclus鄉金ion,the infection w公媽ith SVA was controlled in the pr熱聽ovince to some extent,although it was s花金till widely spreading an議劇d recessive serio自綠us in some regions,which shou靜線ld be concerned to continuously相弟 strengthen monitor不科ing the infection in pig population.