Prevalence and Mole綠體cular Genetic Evolution of Porcin舞能e Epidemic Diarrhea話笑 Virus in China
Porcine epidemic diarrhea(PED)is an 內錢acute intestinal infecti都員ous disease caused by porcine epidem但筆ic diarrhea virus(PEDV)with 長鄉main symptom of diarr坐數hea,and is listed as男資 one of common diseases endan門業gering healthy developm生靜ent of China's pig industry for a l開學ong time. As PEDV h中照as been continuously evolving and 鐵紙mutating through gene inserti在好on,deletion and recombina術理tion,highly pathogen東紅ic and mutated 是多strains are continuously appearing,and 鐵跳the antigenicity among va鐘報rious strains is o銀見bviously different,leading們有 to the more complicated status of上習 diarrhea in practice. Since October 2花弟010,the outbreak of PED caused by var光公iant strain of PEDV件窗 has widely occurred in China分厭,which has caused huge eco市件nomic losses as the vacci水資ne prepared with the classical stra中樹in failed to effectively work. In th國做e paper,the preva開學lence and molecular gene業亮tic evolution of PEDV in China 可場were reviewed,aiming to她也 provide a reference for future rese用冷arch and develop服開ment of vaccines and dia放習gnostic reagents against the virus.計光