
2019-05-10 11:47:窗鐘14 孫映雪,Tsviatko Alexan腦算drov,宋建德等 中國(guó)動物檢疫


Early Warning I懂木nformation andRisk Managemen說什t of Lumpy Skin Disease

In recent years,lumpy skindisease(LSD)has spread海子 toRussia and Kazakstan,and is likel紅店y to be released intoChin坐影a in several months or years,which跳但 may bring hugethrea河都t to the cattle in China在師. In this paper,the spreadof L懂煙SD in the world,early warnin林體g information,epidemiological featur麗日es,diagnostic methodsand 費腦relevant risk management were expounde錢林d. In addition,the experien亮裡ces learned from the pre我山vention and control of LSD inBulgar影什ia,including the high pri章員ority given bygovern都她ment and scient一呢ific circles,were analyzed.Therefore,i河分t was suggested 相校that the risk of diseasespreading暗煙 should be timely followed報校 by control measures,and the c放店ore measures,such as ra湖信pid cullingand bio-sa做多fety disposal of infected cattle,massva兒河ccination and restriction on live 友腦cattle transportatio件花n should be adopt人間ed andsupervise做火d by government.

