
2020-06-04 10:17:53 袁淑萍,謝彩華,王東方,等 中國(guó)動物檢疫

爲建立一種(zhǒng)快速、敏感、特異的豬弓形蟲檢測方法,根據弓形蟲保守基因大月序列,設計一套特異性引物和FAM熒光素标記的MGB探中跳針;通過(guò)對(duì) P火自CR反應體系和反應條件進(jìn)行優化篩選,建立了豬弓形蟲樹吧實時(shí)熒光定量PCR檢測方法,并對(duì)此PCR檢測方法亮兒進(jìn)行了特異性、敏感性、重複性試驗放煙;利用所建立的方法對(duì)60份疑似弓形蟲感染的臨床樣(yàng)品進村村(jìn)行了檢測。結果顯示:建立的豬弓形蟲水時實時(shí)熒光定量PCR檢測方法在101~1銀些07拷貝/μL模闆範圍内有很好(訊北hǎo)的線性關系;對(duì)弓形蟲重組陽性質粒出現陽性通紅擴增信号,但對(duì)陰性對(du報算ì)照的水和其他7種(zhǒng)病原對(duì)照未擴增出特異性曲工外線;最低檢測模闆濃度爲10拷貝/μ拍學L;自60份疑似豬弓形蟲感染樣(yàng)品中檢出對站32份陽性,并且和克隆測序結果一緻。站明結果表明,本研究建立的豬弓形蟲實時(shí)熒微懂光定量PCR檢測方法可用于豬弓形蟲的快速檢測年我,從而爲豬弓形蟲病的診斷提供了間離特異、敏感、高通量的方法。

Development and A錯有pplication of a慢制 Real-time PCR M這微ethod for Detection of Toxoplas冷們ma gondii 

In order to est得服ablish a rapid,sensitive a好地nd specific method for dete鐵務ction of Toxopla計和smas gondii(T. gondi),a pair of speci影聽fic primers and FAM(fluorescein)-la腦友beled MGB probes were 黑志designed based on the conserved市白 gene sequences of T. gon舊生dii. Followed by optimizing PCR re子電action system and conditi從風ons,a real-time fluorescent PCR a飛森ssay was established,and the sp工通ecificity,sensitivity and reproduc雜頻ibility test were carried out;then 6電去0 clinical samples sus舊從pected of T. gondii infection were舞工 tested by the established m通歌ethod. The results showed 市妹that the method expressed a good li紙友near relationship when the 湖玩template was within the 開國range of 101–107 copies/μL. Specificit也她y test showed that positive signal wa厭話s observed only when amplifying the秒姐 recombinant plasmids of T. go飛那ndii,rather than the water of議愛 negative contrast or othe做公r 7 pathogens;the得近 minimum concen外農tration of detection template was 10讀河 copies/μL;32 out o通時f 60 suspected samp拿我les were detected positive,and 事那the result was consistent with得遠 that of cloning化光 and sequencing. A弟綠s a conclusion,文錯the established m照花ethod in this study could b通河e used for rapid 村弟detection of T. gondii,which provide子算d a specific,sensitive and high-through街物put method for the ide器司ntification of toxopl但公asmosis.
