An Emergency Epi國微demiological Inv能西estigation on a Poi門知soning Event with Aflat知飛oxin and Other To著土xins in Beef Cattle
On October 25,2021,some b森靜eef cattle suddenly died in費業 a farm in Xuanhan機湖 County,Sichuan Province. In order to i服唱nvestigate the event and find 問好out all the causes leading to t厭分he death,and to take measures to reduc女慢e economic loss of the farm as 也嗎far as possible,an e看制pidemiological investigation was carri內廠ed out on the farm. 見喝It was investigated that a total哥可 of 22 cattle died with冷話in three days,with a cumulative mortal來離ity rate of 46.8%(22/47南錢). It was preliminar但服ily speculated that,based on 生匠the information of mov友放ement,clinical s個問ymptoms and chang跳些es under autopsy,習線the cattle died of aflatoxin poiso海議ning due to feeding 城年with moldy feed. T視理he disease was ef子懂fectively controlled after stopping fe算匠eding the previou坐湖s feed,increasing the是又 amount of drinking wa城亮ter,changing forage and adding montmor可坐illonite. It was suggest習跳ed that the farm staff shou兒身ld learn the knowledge a冷河bout breeding manageme作不nt and disease preventi女子on and control,st謝遠rengthen their sense of responsibility 用內and improve their ability for暗鐵 feeding and management.